Thursday, December 3, 2020

Letter to the Editor - Dizzy's Spin Cycle

Dear Editor, 

I was dismayed at Dizzy's most recent interview. Lest we forget - June 19, 2018. I had spent the entire prior season trying to start negations only to be rebuffed at every attempt, hearing "sorry, I'm filling for free agency no matter what."  

Then, June 19, 2018 Dizzy actually left the team. It was heartbreaking for the entire Colorado Springs community. Honestly, its was the biggest news event here since the 1903 Colorado Labor War. Still, I stayed up, and at 12:01am on June 23rd gave Dizzy a contract for every dollar he asked for. No one else made a single offer. 

Sure, there were some hard feelings that someone from Dizzy's representation leaked to World Chat that the offer was a max offer and not just a full priced offer, but we got over it. At the end off the day the record should show that it was not me that spent five days outside of the Colorado Springs From My Loins organization. 


Benny Ballgame 
Colorado Springs From My Loins Owner