Friday, March 3, 2023

The Blog survives!

Minihouston - Editor-in-Chief

A big thank you to everyone, including our Canadian commissioner for allowing me to work on the blog while part of the league, and especially putting up with me learning the game. It's been a lot of fun chatting with those of you I've been able to message about different players, trades, and free agents. It has also been a ton of fun writing about fake players in a fake world....for some strange reason. Don't judge! 

Here we are, an hour before Game 6 with New Orleans up 3-2 against Atlanta, and whatever the outcome; I've decided this will be my last season as an owner. But don't worry, the blog isn't going anywhere, I'll still be writing it. I'm going to join behind the scenes with another owner so I'll still have access to league information; I just won't be running a team myself. We'll see how that goes, but after a couple of seasons away don't be surprised if you see me come back if we have trouble filling a team; but I'm counting on everyone sticking around for quite awhile. 

I'm still accessible by the Discord if you want to reach out. And yeah and....Go NOOFs!!