Friday, September 20, 2024

S61 Park and Location updates

Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

Here are the pack effects with last year's playoff teams in bold

Pitcher Parks - below 0.970

  • Tacoma - 0.793
  • Oklahoma City - 0.843
  • Anaheim - 0.941
  • Augusta - 0.904
  • Atlanta - 0.950
  • Buffalo - 0.953
  • Charleston - 0.956
  • Mexico City - 0.956
  • Jacksonville - 0.957
Neutral Parks 
  • Columbus - 0.991
  • Chicago - 0.993
  • Colorado Springs - 1.000
  • New York - 1.004
  • Washington DC - 1.004
  • Houston - 1.006
  • Cincinnati - 1.010
    • New Owner, was Pittsburgh - 1.000
  • Philadelphia - 1.010
  • Minnesota - 1.022
Hitter Parks - above 1.030
  • Vancouver - 1.035
  • Helena - 1.041
  • Fargo - 1.041
  • Salem - 1.043
  • Dover - 1.054
  • New Orleans - 1.069
  • Austin - 1.072
  • Montreal - 1.074
  • Boston - 1.111
  • Scottsdale- 1.119
  • Huntington - 1.134
  • Hartford - 1.134
  • Tucson - 1.194
  • Santa Fe - 1.332
Updated map below as Pittsburgh moves 300 miles west to Cincinnati. Rumor has it they stopped by Columbus to prank the Corgis by letting a bunch of cats loose in their stadium. Bonus feature of the map, we are currently showing locations of the fan bases (EDITOR NOTE: Apologies, I see some errors but I already closed it all out and didn't want to reopen photoshop. The file errored out on me and I already had to redo some of it. Next update will be better.)