Monday, September 2, 2024

S60 Let's Make a Deal

Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

I liked how this format worked out so keeping it going. If a team traded away a player it received in a deal, they are not listed. Only starting players and ending roster is noted. Hindsight is 20/20, while it will be a few seasons before we know how well these deals worked out for both teams, let's go ahead and take a look back at a few deals that were made this season.


  1. 6 -Tucson
  2. 5 - Jacksonville
  3. 3 - Atlanta, Buffalo, Columbus, Fargo, Houston, Huntington, Scottsdale, Tacoma
  4. 2 - Anaheim, Charleston, Colorado Springs, Vancouver
  5. 1 - Augusta, Hartford, Mexico City, New Orleans, New York, Oklahoma City, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Salem

All grades are just for this season alone, with the understanding that looking back in 4-5 seasons that grades could drastically change with prospects or one year rentals that didn't end in a championship or extended playoff run. 

Anaheim (70-92) - Beck and a prospect for someone entering Arb3, a weak glove Shortstop but a plus bat at the position (.275, 15 HR, 25-30 SB), a weak 2B who likely tops out at AAA or maybe a bench spot at the majors, and an SP who belongs at AAA or on a rebuilding team that will be questioned for the talent they are putting on the field. But how did Galarraga and Borbon not get a single AB at the minor league level? Still nearly a month left in the minor league season. Strange. 
Traded: Leon Beck, Mo Workman
Received: Damon Edwards, Alex Terrero, Juan Galarraga, Santiago Borbon
Grade B- 

Atlanta (110-52) - Three trades for Atlanta seems like a slow year and their lowest win season since S54 when they lost to New Orleans in the World Series - still a 100+ W team might I add; and 11th straight at that. Probably the 55th straight season in which Atlanta receives money in a deal - our accounting team didn't confirm but we all know it's true. Constanza > Romero and cheaper so that's a double win. Saarloos no longer fit the budget so it was time to move on from the .270, 15 HR, 15 SB Third baseman but picking up future RP Bazardo should be considered another win in that deal, making his first deal with Tacoma a win-win-win. Trading Ethier was tough, but knowing he wouldn't resign and was going to test Free Agency made it an easier decision and picking up the speedster Javier Quevedo to be paired with Matty Moss was smart along with shifting him to CF. Quevedo's ability to hit for doubles had to intruiging batting behind Moss who often gets that single and steals second; already putting him in scoring position. Keep an eye out for him to be traded by S62 when his mutual $9.4M is on the books. Along with Quevedo came Howell - a future backup catcher to keep budgets low. But he does offer good power and hits leftie well - perfect time to rest a starter. Only the die hard Expo fans know the players involved in the last deal the team made; but luckily they didn't give up much either. 
Traded: Miguel Romero, Vince Saarloos, Damaso Ethier, Elmer Buss, Rougned Fernandez
Received: $4.8M, Nicky Constanza, Jose Bazardo, Javier Quevedo, Arthur Howell, Stan Hollandsworth
Grade - A

Augusta (72-90) - Both players are 22+ and still at Rookie ball, that should tell you something. Maybe these two owners were just feeling each other out as future trade partners. Both have huge health concerns so maybe the team doctor's just need something to do.  
Traded: Joel Ellenwood
Received: Vincent Graham
Grade - C

Austin (57-105) - Another season of no trades and rebuilding for the franchise. Haven't made a trade since S54, but expect Atlanta to hit them up next year - of norsk's 7 deals since taking over the team, 4 of them have been with ek. But considering the team hasn't done well perhaps its time to find another trade partner. 

Boston (78-84) - Quite trade season for the team as the team sits right around .500 for the season. Likely debating if it's time to rebuild or continue pushing forward. The rebuild market is packed with the teams, so what's one more. 

Buffalo (76-86) - I don't think Buffalo has ever done a deal with Atlanta where they didn't give up money as well - check the books Mr. Accountant. The team picked up minor league depth for the $2.8M it sent to cover Hollandsworth's contract. With Tucson they picked up some young prospects from last year's draft and international market. Pino was a $6.9M signing while Harden was pick #469 who appears to be developing into a DITR this season. 
Traded: $4.8M, Stan Hollandsworth, Johnnie Felsen, Nester Alou was a tough loss for the Bison fans but picking up young parts is fantastic. Tavarez a $21M IFA signing and Candelario a $2.7M IFA signing. Mayberry adds some decent power to the ML lineup. 
Received: Elmer Buss, Rougned Fernandez, Doc Harden, Ender Pino, Albert Mayberry, Alex Candelario, Kendry Tavarez
Grade - A

Charleston (66-96) - Two deals with Columbus, shuttling off a decent bullpen and decent back of the order bat; both of whom are signed through S61 so the Corgis get at least another year out of this deal. Only had to give up a Shortstop who will need a new position if he ever makes the majors - big IF there, Garcia who was immediately promoted to the major league club - league average batting average with little power but offers some speed hitting at the top of their lineup this year. 
Traded: Wilton Perry, Eugene Smalling
Received: Gerald Garcia, Bailey Simmons
Grade - B

Chicago (48-114) - Traded all talent away in previous seasons. Only way it was making a move this year was to deal prospect for prospect or someone needed to fill their minor league roster. #TrustTheProcess

Colorado Springs (74-88) - Kaufman deal for Vargas was a win, you weren't getting ML ABs with the former, and Vargas at least makes good contact and has a solid eye; though you'd think that would relate to more base hits. Ho hum for their other trade. 
Traded: $1M, Monte Rivers, Orlando Samuel, Jacque Ward, Felipe Vargas
Received: Braxton Mathis, Julian Mercado, Ezequiel Matos, Ronn Kaufman
Grade - Z, because I feel asleep reviewing this one. 

Columbus (93-69) - Not sure about taking on the Wall contract but if it landed you Garces maybe it's worth it. Wall is having a decent season has a Mop-up reliever, but we'll see what S61 turns out as his ratings continue to plummet. And at last they can decline his option for S62 at $3.5M. They also picked up Smalling; both players are having a bit of a down year from what pace they were on. Did Columbus buy high? But Perry on the other hand has been great out of the bullpen. But the playoffs are the playoffs and they made them. 
Traded: Gerald Garcia, Bailey Simmons, Chris Sinclair, Daniel Barrett, Apollo Scott
Received: $3.3M, Wilton Perry, Eugene Smalling, Paco Garces, JC Wall
Grade - B+

Dover (68-94) - No trades at least means they haven't traded away a former top 15 pick.

Fargo (54-108) - Only 3 deals for the new owner of the league, makes you wonder what's in store next season. Or just how dry the system was to not give them any trade bait to start rebuilding from. Carter was having another one of his typical seasons, 1.40-1.45 WHIP, 4.00-4.50 ERA and is signed through next season. Nunez was likely the bigger prospect get of that deal which helps stock up the fan favorite Fargo farm. Servet might be useful one day but something for a guy whose going to walk at year's end is useful. The Graham for Ellenwood is interesting...maybe a trade of minor league depth needs. If one becomes a DITR that greatly swings this deal and means that owner can see into the future. 
Traded: $2.9M, Fred 'Farter' Carter, Robinzon Beltre, Joel Ellendwood
Received: Norman Skinner, Howeie Stevens, Gerado Nunez, Pablo Servet, Vincent Graham
Grade - B-

Hartford (89-73) -  In the Hartford lineup Beltre really turned it on, besting his career batting average by quite a few marks as he hit in the 2 hole between Warren Cobb and Alex Perez. Many Hartford fans are questioning if this is the final push before a rebuild is coming, especially with Tacoma taking over the division with their pitching. 
Traded: Pablo Servet
Received: Robinzon Beltre
Grade - A

Helena (107-55) - Quite season for the AL West favorites, but when you own the division you don't need to make moves if you don't feel there are any big holes to fill. 

Houston (115-47) - Smart deal shedding Kang's contract. The blog thought the McLaughlin deal was going to be worse than it was for Tacoma but still praised it from the Houston side. The Space Cowboy pitching rotation could afford to give up Shackelford and they picked up two young...and cheaper talented players in return. Even though Ethier doesn't look to resign it was a great addition by Houston. Smart trading is how you extend all those years you spend building the team. 
Traded: Peter Kang, Andy McLaughlin, Nick Shackelford, Michael Woo, Dilson Romero
Received: Jayson James, Reynaldo Vasquez, Damaso Ethier
Grade - A+
Note including the money sent to NY after the new owner took over. 

Huntington (95-67) - Entering every season as the owner with both Weiss and WYW, you have to ask yourself what does the team need to push it over the top? THe team makes the playoffs and loses the division to Houston once again - but anything can happen in the playoffs. They ended up dealing away the best player in their first deal in exchange Melendez who struggled initially but has seem to have come back down; though the WHIP is higher than expected after the Tropics moved him to the bullpen. The contract is a bit heavy too but at least has a mutual in S62. Feeling like they need more bullpen help, the team acquired Alou who struggled after the move and sent to the back of the bullpen - most games his seat in the bullpen is an obstructed view seat. They might as well have tried to trade for a pet possum. 
Traded: Braxton Mathis, Julian Mercado, Ezequiel Matos, Joe Bartlett, Daryle Wilkinson, Albert Mayberry, Alex Candelario, Kendry Tavarez
Received: $8M, Monte Rivers, Jacque Ward, Dilson Melendez, Nester Alou
Grade - C-

Jacksonville (78-84) - Is this team coming or going? Solid trades but let's see them follow up with a great off-season. Jacksonville has the hard struggle of playing in the toughest division in the league, and aside from their record against NY this season, they were .500+ against everyone else. 
Traded: $200k, Delino McCartin, Felipe Vargas, Timo Hara, Fausto Cruz, Dave Russell, Ralph Leon, Cliff Calderon
Received: $3M Bengie Bonilla, Ronn Kaufman, Max Olivo, Edgar Amaro, Miguel Caminero, Pedro Adames
Grade -B+

Mexico City (92-70) - Picked up one of the best 3Bs in the league, and all it cost them was an RP and platoon lefty, and McDade is still cheap too. Solid deal for the Frogs, no need to say more. 
Traded: Emilio Santana, Junior Guardado
Received: Bob McDade
Grade - A+

Minnesota (79-83) - No deals this year which isn't out of the norm. Not a huge trader for cmchristians, but when the deal presents itself he'd jump on it. Look for them to keep building after being swept by Huntington in the first round. 

Montreal (95-67) - Fighting for a wildcard slot, but no deals for these guys. The only deal Canadian's like are discounts at Tim Horton's. 

New Orleans (81-81) - Thought selling off all their top talent was supposed to signify a rebuild, they were holding close to the division for quite awhile but have slipped as of late. Only player to survive this deal was Bandy who slotted into the Yinzers' rotation. NOHD owners wrote off both Sweeney and Chapman almost immediately. Bandy had an excellent first 5 games, going 2-0 through 36 innings with a 1.13 whip and 1.24 era. 
Traded: Sebastian Bandy, Quinn Cedeno
Received: Wally Sweeney, JR Chapman
Grade - F

New York (46-116) - Got rid of the only guaranteed money on the roster, with a new owner taking over I'd expect many owners to reach out for possible deals with the prospects the previous owner was hoarding. We'll see what happens, Arfy is himself a veteran owner so I wouldn't expect any lopsided deals; but that won't hurt some of you, you know who you are, from trying.  
Traded: Max Olivo
Received: Timo Hara
Grade - B

Oklahoma City (89-73) - The blog has never been a fan of English and while he had a down year, his ABs in OKC were much better than Anaheim where he was looking to fall off a cliff. Borbon is your typical speed guy coming from OKC and could find an eventual spot at the ML level; but how did Galarraga not get a single IP for Anaheim? 
Traded: Juan Galarraga, Santiago Borbon
Received: Hick English
Grade - B+

Philadelphia (77-85) - They picked up Carter to help their push for the division, who will also be around next season. The Philly fans have to know their window is closing quickly on another chance at a World Series. Over 17 starts, Carter put up a 1.38 WHIP, and 3.11 ERA, going 7-6. Didn't really give up much either. 
Traded: Norman Skinner, Howeie Stevens, Gerado Nunez
Received: $2.9M, Fred Carter
Grade - A-

Pittsburgh (44-118) - Bandy was needed to band-aid the rotation. Pittsburgh, New York, and Chicago are the only teams he finds a starting job. He ended up with 12 starts, going 4-4 with a 1.41 WHIP and 3.63 ERA. Now awful and exactly what you'd expect from a bottom rebuilding team. Didn't give up much of anything but don't expect Bandy to perform as well over a full season next year. 
Traded: Wally Sweeney, JR Chapman
Received: Sebastian Bandy, Quinn Cedeno
Grade - A

Salem (94-68) - Rather interesting trade for both teams here, Salem gave up two potential ML starters for their lot. Domingo was VERY solid for the Bourbon Makers out of the pen, 53 IP, 0.83 WHIP, and a 1.02 ERA. Reynoso is a future bullpen piece and Ramirez looking like a future starter, so Salem still building for the future. 
Traded: Arodys Hernandez, Adeiny Santana
Received: $0.5M, Enny Ramirez, Alexei Ramirez, Vladimir Domingo
Grade - A

Santa Fe (107-55) - Signs FAs, doesn't really trade often - much the same this year. They made 4 deals in the S50s, 0 in the S40s, but were quite active in the S30s. We'll see where Pokey takes the team in S60s.

Scottsdale (77-85) - This was mostly about shedding contracts of Wall and Melendez. Paco was resigned earlier in the off-season as trade bait so that worked out. Getting out of their two biggest contracts was a huge win though it didn't really do much for the farm - maybe a future DITR at best. McDade for Santana wasn't ideal and probably should have held pat on that deal. Santana should be alright but he's still just a reliever who needs to be called up next year. Had to take on some contracts with Sinclar and Barrett to make the money work, so not completely out of the big contracts of Wall and Melendez but in much better shape for the future seasons. Had a better ML package for McDade on the table but moving him was about future seasons and not the next 1 or 2. 
Traded: $8.3M, Bob McDade, Paco Garces, JC Wall, Dilson Melendez
Received: Emilio Santana, Junior Guardado, Chris Sinclair, Daniel Barrett, Apolo Scott, Orlando Samuel, Joe Bartlett, Daryle Wilkinson
Grade - B

Tacoma (98-64) - Traded some prospects for the win now, considering they are top 2 in the NL - it seems the deals worked. Though I'd prefer Constanza over Romero, the blog wasn't a fan of McLaughlin - thinking he'd regress but his numbers have held strong at age 36. Though signed through S62 - we'll see what the offseason looks like. But this year alone, it's a good deal as he's continued being a .290 hitter. Not quite the .300+ he was in Houston. but it's a pitcher's park he's in now too. Shackelford was a great addition to a well developed pitching staff that call a great pitcher's park home. And Woo is a fantastic defender  likely better suited as a defensive replacement given the bat; but if he can help all 9 innings with that upgraded range and glove, so be it. Vasquez would have been a slight downgrade but still quality production at SS, cheaper, and a slightly better bat. I would have liked to see the club pick up either some power or speed - because right now they lack both. out of Page's 40+ HR. 
Traded: Reynaldo Vasquez, Chi-Chi Soto, Nicky Constanza, Jose Bazardo
Received: $200k, Miguel Romero, Vince Saarloos, Andy McLaughlin, Nick Shackelford, Michael Woo
Grade - B+

Tucson (89-73) - I'd hate to see the phone bill for Tucson - oh wait, nobody pays by the minute anymore. Well some people do, but that's for a different kind of entertainment. Their biggest acquisition was Ethier who didn't make the list below because they ended up dealing him to Houston. Likely because they knew he wouldn't resign and the playoffs were a stretch. The franchise is quickly becoming the trade hub of Cobbfather with yet another season with 6+ trades. And we though Atlanta traded a lot. Who gets moved next year? 
Traded: $2.5M, Javier Quevedo, Arthur Howell, Damon Edwards, Hick English, Alex Terrero, Enny Ramirez, Alexei Reynoso, Vladimir Domingo, Doc Harden, Ender Pino, Edgar Amaro
Received: Leon Beck, Mo Workman, Arodys Hernandez, Adeiny Santana, Johnnie Felsen, Fausto Cruz, Dave Russell, Ralph Leon, Chi-Chi Soto, Dilson Romero
Grade - B

Vancouver (84-78) - Bonilla struggled enough in Jacksonville to earn himself a demotion to end the season and McCartin while not great was decent enough for a rebuilding team. Kang filled a spot though a little pricey for what he added, but then again if you have payroll space might as well use it. The IFA market is tough these days. 
Traded: $3M, Bengie Bonilla, Jayson James
Received: Delino McCartin, Peter Kang
Grade - B+

Washington DC (90-72) - Quite season with zero trades. Perhaps next year will be different as they've finally shifted into becoming a winning team. 

That about does it for S60's trades.