Tuesday, December 19, 2023

S58 - Gettin' Paid

 Jessica Fletcher - contributing reporter

We've hit the last day of the offseason, yet a few moves will still remain. As our teams move forward and get ready for game 1 of Spring Training. As a reminder, things will shake up a bit once a few of the current agreed upon trades go through...if they go through. Our top 5 big spenders are:

  • Houston Space Cowboys - $131.0M
  • New Orleans Hurricane Dodgers - $125.6M
  • Oklahoma City Barons - $125.3M
  • Huntington Tropics - $120.8M
  • Columbus Corgis - $117.4M
Our bottom 5 spenders include:
  • Colorado Springs From My Loins - $14.3M (not much springing these days)
  • Augusta Alcoholics - $21.9M (how much beer can one team spend on?)
  • New York Empire - $23.7M (storybook rebuilding - just wait for the IFA spending)
  • Mexico City Staring Frogs - $28.1M (anybody seen the pesos - dollars exchange rate lately?)
  • Tacoma Aroma - $30.8M (the aroma seems to be getting better, but still smells)

Here's a look at the available prospect spending, can't wait to see the $30M signings that occur this season.