Sunday, August 11, 2024

S60 - Voting on New Rules


We received the below letter straight from the commissioner's office and is hot off the presses. 

'Thank you Cobbfather owners for all the feedback you have provided on the recent topics of how we can improve our league. After carefully considering the feedback and discussion that happened in chat, I've decided to put the following agenda items up for a poll; see the link at the bottom of this message. The initial round of voting will be to put that rule in place or not; a follow up poll will be given to identify the specifics of those new rules that get voted in. 

  1. Minimum Win Requirement - All owners must finish above the threshold or risk being kicked from the league. 
    • Abstaining vote is a YES.
    • First follow up will identify if it's one set limit or a rolling MWR. 
    • Second follow up will identify just how many Wins are required. 
  2. Minimum Salary Floor - A minimum dollar value that must be reserved for player payroll, making a certain portion untransferable.
    • Abstaining vote is a NO.
  3. Spending Cap on International Free Agents 
    • Abstaining vote is a NO
    • First follow up will identify if that's all IFA spending vs Single player cap
    • Second follow up with identify what that cap is. 
  4. Restriction on consecutive #1 draft picks to 2 straight years. 
    • Abstaining vote is a NO
    • Failing to do so, requires the owner to select an RP with their pick.
  5. Restriction on consecutive #1-5 draft picks to 5 straight years. 
    • Abstaining vote is a NO
    • Failing to do so, requires the owner to select an RP with their pick. 

Poll site: Here

Good luck and looking forward to the continued growth of our league.