Tuesday, August 13, 2024

S60 On The Books!

 Jessica Fletcher - contributing reporter

Now that we've covered up coming free agents, let's take a look at future money that is already tied up. Who has the most and least amount to spend. 

Here is who has the most committed in future seasons. List in order of most future money committed. In the 'Future salary is future owner problems' are Houston Space Cowboys at nearly $250M; down from $300M just last season. Close behind are Columbus and Philadelphia at $242M & 238M respectively. The next group sits right around the $150M mark but it quickly drops from there all the way down to $0 committed by Chicago, New York, and Vancouver (combined). Add in Colorado Springs and the foursome have at least $1M already spent. Will we be talking about a possible 6th straight #1 pick for New York? Absurd! But sad to say, the team isn't really looking at that impressive either, but maybe that's just me. Guess that's why they continue to rebuild; need more talent. Must sign more IFAs, might draft top prospects! I am a robot, must do more! 

The average commitment in the league is $42M next year, down to $27 then $16, then $5 by S64. Second straight year it's dropped across the board entirely.

I expect a bit of change as extensions are signed after the regular season.