Wednesday, July 31, 2024

S60 Needs

 Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

Now that we've passed the halfway point of the season, and the deadline is just days away let's take a look at what the blog-o-sphere thinks the needs of each franchise are. We'll see who makes what moves by the deadline. 
  • Anaheim - Relief Pitching. They lead the league in percentage of inherited runners scored, allowing 41% to cross the plate where league average is just 29%. A late inning defensive replacement could actually improve the existing bullpen as well. They are also #2 in blown saves. An updated bullpen would go a long way for this season's team. 
  • Atlanta - Starting Pitching. This likely has more to do with their starters slow start than it does their talent. After the first 40 games their pitching had a 50 grade rating on a 20-80 scale. After the most recent update, they  are up a 70! They've allowed a few more fly balls this season than league average.  
  • Augusta - IFA. The team falls near the bottom in most stats but not really at the bottom in many; so props to them for not bottoming out. But what they need is New York and Chicago to spend their IFA budgets elsewhere or to find an IFA that those two franchises do not. You've got to ask yourself one question: Do you feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?
  • Austin - Defense. The team ranks near the bottom in the league in DER (Defense Efficiency Ratio), meaning they are not making the most use out of balls put in play. Pair that with leaguing the league in Unearned Runs and you can see how even the slightest defensive upgrades would improve this team. 
  • Boston - Run on the same cylinder. The team is actually doing well and slightly above average in most every category. Is it a clubhouse issue and the team just isn't jellying together?  The slightest adjustments might see them turn the corner. I'd expect a late season run for these guys. 
  • Buffalo - Cher to turn back time. Buffalo is on pace for their worst franchise season ever; which is surprising given bjc30's successful track record season after season; he even took the division last year but unless they can turn things around, they are looking at a potential lottery draft pick. Buffalo fans have to hope for a pick within the top 10 but it might be in the 10-12 range. 
  • Charleston - Glasses. The club leads the majors in worst K/BB, so anything to help the team see better at the plate would be a big improvement. They also need some more power in their lineup. So either PEDs, corked bats, or a new weight room at their facility would be an upgrade!
  • Chicago - A Major League lineup. Cutting ties with 75% of the ML roster and signing players still on the FA market would go a long way to improve this team from the "talent" that it is. I can think of one other need, but let's go with the first. It's debatable, but their 25 rating on a 20-80 scale finds them in last place for their lineup. They also aren't playing much defense, it may not be accounted for in errors but their DER is league worst. 
  • Colorado Springs - Less focus on fielding. The team is 4th in DER but we all know when Colorado Springs rebuilds they go glove first; so the plan is working. There seems to be a disagreement between team owner and AI's rankings but they are near the bottom in run differential and and are near the top of the league in singles. Base hits are great, but you need 4 of them in an inning to score a single run. Beat you didn't do that math in your head! If they could pick up a few bats their record would show it. 
  • Columbus - Time. Columbus picked up some help in their mid-season trades with Charleston and Scottsdale; they are now considered one of the two favored teams to win the National League with Tacoma. Their pitching received the top rating and while their bats were just a 65; I'd expect with Smalling and Garces now on the roster that will improve. Just give it time. 
  • Dover - Draft Redo. This team already has the easiest division in the majors; the winner of it will most likely have a losing record. But given SS Reynolds outlook, the club could likely go for a redo of this season's draft.  If they want to win the division, improving their defense and picking up a starter who can log some quality starts would be key. Both would go a long way; though neither likely gets them above .500 for the season. 
  • Fargo - A Prospect. After their Rule 4 draft pick not signing, and zero IFA signings, this rebuilding franchise just needs a single prospect to call this season a win. They did however unload Fred Carter for depth; just not sure they picked up a solid future Major Leaguer. 
  • Hartford - Quality Starts. The team ranks down there with Charleston, Pittsburgh, and Vancouver for lowest quality starts in the league. Their defense has been slightly better than league average but have also limited unearned runs. Their bats have the power but they could use a little more contact and runners on base. 
  • Helena - Pitching. The hitting on this team has been top of the league, but they rank well below average for quality starts,  but just leave average in OAV and strike outs, though they are also slightly below average on walks and even lower on HRs. The IR% is league average; not that there's anything being average; right Vancouver? But in this case, this is supposed to be a top 5 team; with some pitching upgrades would go a long way. 
  • Houston - The AL to chill the F out. Any other run Houston would be sitting pretty and while the are a great team they haven't distanced themselves from the other top AL teams....yet. The team is doing all the right things and should end up paying for the Al title. If you wanted to point out one thing it's the base running, 74 SBs but a league leading 46 CSs. 
  • Huntington - Pitching. Though much like Houston and Atlanta this is likely more of a slow start than anything. Huntington has the pitching, they just need to turn it on for the second half. The QS% is league average, their IRS% is slightly high but they just added some bullpen help, their DER is a bit low but not by much. Their K/BB is lowest in the league by a good margin so they are not giving up many free outs. 
  • Mexico City - Move to NL. This team in the NL is competing for the League Title, in the AL it feels like they fall into Tier 2 but luckily the playoffs are anyone's game so they have shot at least; just might be an uphill battle. But if there's one city that can do it, it's Mexico City. Un cerveza por favor!
  • Minnesota - Extra Base Hits. Slightly below average in hits but towards the top in singles. Let's push the limits a bit. Pitching could use some improvements but all the single ladies in Minny can't score by themselves. 
  • Montreal - Stop Being Average. They are gearing up for a Wildcard 2 slot, but the team's power rankings and stats to date say they are almost exactly league average. Don't get us wrong, that's not a bad thing; but are they gunning for a title or are they rebuilding? Hard to do both.  
  • New Orleans - Reality. The team entered a rebuild but you wouldn't know that by the standings. They are currently fighting the Eastern Canadians for Wildcard 2 but the team is over performing. What they really need is a dose of a reality check to bring them back down and improve their draft stock next season. Oh and to stop running so much; 46 SB, 34 CS. OUCH!
  • New York - Help. The team was looking quite awful to start the season but a hot streak has helped. To be honest what this team needs now is to shift out of their rebuild instead of stockpiling prospects at AAA and get back to a respectable franchise.  
  • Oklahoma City - Hits with runner's in scoring position. Pitcher's are rarely an issue with the pitcher's park in OKC, but the bats just haven't come around this year. The team is league average in batting average and runs scored; but lacks some power. They lead the league in stolen bases, per usual, but if you can't knock those guys in; what does it matter that they stole a base? 
  • Philadelphia - A break. Just like the needs article back in S54, the team needs a break. They keep trying to climb out of the bottom of the league and miss the bottom 10 this year but they are only in the division race because nobody seems to want to win the division; all teams are under .500. The team had a great run, but maybe this is the year they deal Al Cervantes for some additional prospects. 
  • Pittsburgh - Major League players. The team hah fallen slightly below the New Yorks and Chicagos of the world but without the cool factor of being New York or Chicago - but at least their murder rate in the city is less? All three teams have very similar production; perhaps its just a strength of schedule issue difference between the three? Either way, some new ML players would turn this team around; though the current free agents have been sitting around long enough that I doubt they add much this season. 
  • Salem - Pitching. Salem has the highest ERA and IRS% of the top 10 teams. If they are going to survive in the playoffs they'll need to fixture those issues. Pitching can be a difference maker come playoff time. Appears it might be a control issue, as they are granting too many free bases with too few strikeouts.  
  • Santa Fe - Playoffs to start. The team is doing all the right things and while we could say they need to improve pitching, that's easier said than done in such a hitter friendly park. The team is playing great defense which will help that pitching and their bats are playing as expected. Curious to see how the teams performs comes playoff time. 
  • Scottsdale - The next offseason to get here. This past off-season the new owner was able to shed some contracts and recently traded away their higher long term contracts so they are making progress for that rebuild. But they also have decisions to make on Spud Campbell and Jackson Benson; do they try and move their young talent for prospects while their contract values are right and still offer years of control? I'm sure they'd listen to any deal another franchise would be willing to make. But since those trades the team has nose dived, the owner better make adjustments before they become a top feeding team. Getting Lowry back from injury will help the bats and Foster back to help the rotation. Don't get us wrong, still a long way from having a winning record but we don't think they bottom out. 
  • Tacoma - Power. A power bat for a 1-2 punch with reigning NL MVP 1B Page. Their power ranking dropped drastically due to the hitting or lack there of. Now yes, they play in a huge pitcher's park; but you still need to score runs. They had a chance to acquire some bats in the offseason but holding steady. We'll see if it pays off this year. Either way, I'd look for them to make some tweaks next season if this one doesn't work out for them. Their future is bright even if they are below average in hitting across the board. 
  • Tucson - Pitching. Saying pitching this season seems repetitive but Tucson is well below average on the pitching side of the game, in fact the 4th worst ERA and 3rd most HR, 4th most BB, and bottom 10 K. Seems a deal between them and Tacoma could balance out both teams. Perhaps Laxton in a deal? Not sure it makes Tucson a playoff team this year, but it might be geared more for next season. 
  • Vancouver - Same thing as S54 Needs - move out of Canada. Oh and walk more / strike out less. The team is bottom 5 in the league in K/BB and in Free Outs, where they average 8 CS+K a game which means they basically limit themselves to 6 innings a game. Git Gud Canada! By the way, same report as S54...guess Canada really is behind the times and slow to catch up to America the beautiful! 
  • Washington DC - One More Year. The club is looking at being above .500 for the first time since S53 and only the second time since S39!!! Keltic needs to stick with his game plan on the rebuild even if the division is getting weaker. Give it at least another year before you go full steam ahead!