Tuesday, July 2, 2024

S60 Longevity

Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

It's been a few seasons since we've shared this info, just wanted to thank everyone in the league for sticking around. Let's take a look at some of our most seasoned veteran owners. 

Most years in the league - includes the current season and any other seasons the owner was in Cobbfather (under the same account). Thought it would also be fun to list Cobbfather career records. It's great to see that half of our owners have been around for 20+ seasons. Perhaps S70 update I'll be there myself. 

  1. 60 - Houston (5,513-4,045)
  2. 58 - Buffalo (5,080-4,154)
  3. 56 - Atlanta (4,947-3,963)
  4. 48 - Colorado Springs (3,875-3,739)
  5. 35 - Oklahoma City (2,896-2,288)wr
  6. 33 - New York (2,677-2,507)
  7. 32 - Santa Fe (2,726-2,458)
  8. 30 - Montreal (2,471-2,227)
  9. 29 - Chicago (2,198-2,014)
  10. 25 - Helena (1,989-1,899), Minnesota (2,043-1,845)
  11. 24 - Charleston (2,019-1,707)
  12. 23 - Columbus (1,620-1,620), Austin (1,412-1,828)
  13. 22 - Vancouver (1,474-1,604)
  14. 21 - Dover (1,292-1,624)
  15. 18 - Philadelphia (1,395-1,359)
  16. 17 - Pittsburgh (1,202-1,390)
  17. 15 - New Orleans (997-947) - had a different account in the early years
  18. 13 - Huntington (998-946), Anaheim (857-1,087)
  19. 12 - Hartford (1,037-745), Scottsdale (890-869)
  20. 10 - Tacoma (592-866), Salem (681-777), Boston (710-748)
  21. 8 - Augusta (497-637), Mexico City (482-652)
  22. 7 - Tucson (430-380)
  23. 5 - Washington DC (337-473), Jacksonville (323-325)
  24. 1 - Fargo (0-0)