Friday, August 18, 2023

S56 On The Books!

Jessica Fletcher - contributing reporter

The annual 7yankee7 recruitment post reminds me that it's time to look at future budgets. Here is who has the most committed in future seasons. List in order of most future money committed. In the 'Future salary is future owner problems' is still the Chicago Gunslingers with just over $265M; down from last year. Not far behind him is Tokyo and New Orleans. Least on the books Augusta Alcoholics with $0M next four seasons. Their commitment appears to be to beer over players! Mexico City came in at just $1.2M for next year only. Tacoma comes in as the third team with no money committed beyond S57. 14 teams have 0 commitments to S60. The average commitment in the league is $48M next year, down to $30 then $15, then $8. 

I expect a bit of change as extensions are signed after the regular season.