Friday, June 11, 2021

Tarraga Watch

   Jessica Fletcher - contributing reporter

Tarraga watch begins! 

As Major League free agents begin to sign, all Cobbfather fans have their eyes set to Alex Tarraga. If he's going to get that max offer, which team is it going to be that gives it to him and where do we stand with budgets?

  1. Scranton - still sitting strong with $41M. 
  2. Philadelphia - $39M but rebuilding doesn't equal spending $30M on a 1B. Almost 3x the rest of his payroll
  3. Los Angeles - $30M - 
  4. Houston - $30M - Another rebuilding team, I'd cross them off the list just like Philly. 
  5. Buffalo - $28M - They may not have the max offer left but don't discount home field advantage. 
The surprise team is in the AL East, they have been clearing payroll like nobody's business. Soon their free up a total of $34M in payroll, just enough to max out the deal and really make Alex think about where he wants to play. One thing is for sure, Keith Halter has his fingers crossed for the AL team to sign him.