Sunday, March 14, 2021


 Jack Torrance - contributing reporter

Franchise stats. It's not just the current owner but all the owners that came before them...well except for Boston and Houston; it's just them. 

Most wins: Houston Space Cowboys

Least wins: Scranton Hammers

Most Division titles: Houston Space Cowboys - 22

Worst Record with Division Title: San Fe Surf Riders VIII - Season 43 - 77-85

Best Record to not win Division Title: Boston Massacre - Season 25 - 111-51

Most Division Titles without World Series appearance: Trenton Reznors - 16

Most League Championships: Atlanta Expos - 11

Most consecutive League Championships: Dover Diamond Dogs (Pittsburgh) - 5 - Seasons 19-23

Most consecutive World Series Championships: Dover Diamond Dogs (Pittsburgh) - 3 - Seasons 21-23

Most World Series Championships: Houston Space Cowboys & Atlanta Expos - 5

Most wins without World Series Championship: Tucson Trappers - 3820 W

Moved the most: Trenton Reznors & Tampa Bay Deplorables - 14

Moved the least: Boston Massacre - 45 seasons and counting