Tuesday, October 25, 2022

S53 - Midseason Rankings

 Richard Castle - contributing reporter

Let's see what Skynet is up to these days. Atlanta takes over the top spot with the NOOFs holding tight at #3. Columbus takes a bit of a fall from #4 down to #8. Buffalo gains 2 spots, moving up to #6. Tacoma remains at the bottom of our list with Montreal not knowing how to spend money wisely finds their payroll second to last. Mexico City's ploy for a higher draft pick appears to be working as they slot in just above Montreal. Washsington DC on the other hands moves up 6 spots and no longer a bottom 5 team. 

Expected playoff teams
AL: Atlanta, New York, Philadelphia, Huntington, Monterrey, and Colorado.
NL: New Orleans, Hartford, Buffalo, Chicago, OKC and Pittsburgh. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

S53 - Early Season Ranking

 Richard Castle - contributing reporter

Let's take a minute to introduce those new owners to Skynet; who holds grudges. Appears a few of our H teams are back on track and find themselves inside the top 10. After a few seasons struggling to be top 5, big spending New York finds themselves back at the top with Atlanta right on their tail. Oddly enough, it's the other way around in the standings and given Atlanta's run the last few seasons, I think Skynet has it wrong this time. Tight race with the next three coming from the NL.